What is Trademark ?
A trademark can be a phrase, logo, design, and combination of colours or shapes etc, and that denotes the uniqueness of a brand or the product and differentiate from competitors. It is globally acknowledged trademark is the most valuable asset of a business. With a unique Trademark, customers can easily identify your products or services among various competitors’ products.
Key Points of Register trademark in India
# Definition:- A trademark can be a logo, design, shape, combination of colors, combination of different shapes, goods, etc and its uniqueness differently shown in its design.
# Trademark Classes:- Under Trademark, there are 45 classes defined based on business activity and register trademark in india in multiple classes as per the requirement of the business organization.
# Valuable Assets:- Like Company’s other tangible assets, a trademark is very worthwhile for a company to protect its goods, services from infringement.
# Low cost of registration:- In comparison to its driven benefits, cost of trademark registration online is very low.
# Legal Brand Protection:- Register trademark in India under trademark law, protect the brand from infringement and misuse from the third party.
Geographical Coverage:- Trademark registration online provides you nation-wide protection from your competitors.
Reasons why businesses like yours need online brand Registration / Protection-
- Trademarks protect your brand and goodwill, products and services. They give uniqueness to your brand.
- Trademarks are an effective communication tool. They speak for themselves.
- Trademarks are valuable assets and it keeps appreciating over time.
- Trademarks make it easy for customers to find you. They set a brand apart from the crowd.
- Trademarks allow organizations to effectively utilize the power of the Internet and social media.
- Trademarks can even make hiring easier.
- Trademarks are easy to apply and easy to use.
TM Application Checklist
- Name of Applicant
- Type of Business
- Main Activities of Business
- Name of Brand/Logo
- Address